Prenatal Yoga in Glen Ellyn

At Balance Yoga + Pilates, we understand the incredible journey of motherhood and the unique physical and emotional needs that arise during this time.

Our prenatal yoga classes provide a nurturing and empowering experience for expectant mothers. Our certified teacher, Lisa Barker, specializes in guiding women through safe and gentle yoga practices that promote strength, flexibility, and relaxation. Lisa is not only a skilled yoga practitioner but also a compassionate guide who understands the physical and emotional changes that come with motherhood. This class focuses on preparing the body for childbirth, alleviating discomfort, and fostering a deep connection with your growing baby.

Join our community of supportive women to nurture yourself and find balance in this phase of life. We are here to empower and uplift you on your journey!

students posing after prenatal yoga

Prenatal yoga is an excellent way to prepare the body and mind for the changes that take place throughout pregnancy, allowing one to fully embrace the changes within yourself, your body, and your baby. 

Class focus is on strengthening, stretching, and relaxation of the body and mind. Through meditation, breath work and yoga postures, this gentle yoga class is designed to help bring more ease to your body and mind, prepare you for a more comfortable pregnancy, labor experience and challenges of parenthood. 

It is our intention to create a peaceful and welcoming environment for a community of pregnant moms to share information, experiences, knowledge, and friendship. Classes include women in all phases of pregnancy. 

This class runs as a series and takes place on Mondays at 5:30pm. Contact the studio to jump into the current session or click here to register for the next upcoming session.

“I attended my first session in the second trimester and needless to say, I wish I would have started sooner! Their instructor is so very passionate about what she does and really cares about all the future moms in the studio. She encourages all the women to get to know each other a little bit better, and because of this I came out with lasting friendships and support (pregnancy can get lonely sometimes). I’m so glad I gave this class a try because it was a vital part of my pregnancy journey.”

— Maggie T.

“I started prenatal yoga around 10 weeks into my pregnancy. I found it very helpful to have dedicated weekly time to take care of myself – my mind, body, and soul, throughout the changes of pregnancy. I was encouraged in the class to be attuned to my pregnant body and welcomed Lisa’s teachings to modify poses based on what my body would allow for that specific week. All of these things were supportive during both labor and recovery, as they had become my “best practices” throughout my pregnancy. I recommend prenatal yoga here to anyone who is interested in supportive and encouraging yoga practices that teach you to embrace this unique time in your life!”

— Amy B.

 Enroll for Prenatal Class Series